Monday, November 12, 2012

Living in Love

I just finished reading "Dying to be Me" by Anita Moojani and was very inspired by her account of her life, near death experience, re-birth and new appreciation for life. One of her take away messages was to live your life with love and not fear...don't do things because you are afraid of the outcome - getting cancer, getting hurt..but because they bring you joy and so as a result you live a fuller life.

As someone who is quite the worrier I really needed to hear that! I read somewhere that 92% of the things you worry about NEVER HAPPEN. That was also a real eye and heart opener. Having the kittens around is another reminder to live in the moment - they don't obsess about what is coming or what has past...but find joy and pleasure in every moment.

Speaking of living in the moment I was working at the Whole Life Expo this past weekend and got to see a lot of different approaches to health and modalities as well as sample new foods. I bought some Beet Crystals from Sala - they can be diluted with water to drink, added to smoothies, eaten by the spoon ful or used in baking for that lovely red colour - I may try it in a cake or cupcakes - red velvet? They also will make a nice topping. I also purchased some manuka raisins, a cherry mix, chocolate covered goldenberries and hazelnuts from Organic Traditions and sampled some Tulsi Tea and a coffee substitute made with Maca. The salesperson's name was Cinnamon - how great is that?

At the Expo there is also an opportunity to nosh - I had dinner at Zen Gardens, Cruda Cafe - sooo yummy and from Healthy Planet's steam table - a "man loaf"...mmmmmm.

There was a booth across from us which was a little unsettling - using a big before and after picture to sell face cream to women...the message being there is something wrong with you if you have some wrinkles or laugh lines. Yes we all like to look and feel great but ultimately we need to love ourselves and be comfortable in our own skin - there is nothing wrong with getting older and showing it. Needless to say however, they were doing a booming business.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of hearing my fellow Bill King student Darlene Stimson do her debut concert at Gate 403!!!! Woo hoo...what an's "50 years in the making" as she joked. She did a fabulous job with many people there to cheer her on.

Earlier we had lunch with the Veggies of Halton Peel at A-1 Sweets in Oakville - thalis all around. I think the best Veggie Pakoras I have ever tasted and our hosts were lovely and helpful. There was also a staircase of sweets in honour of Diwali...Happy Diwali for those who celebrate.

What the world needs now is love, sweet love as Bacharach and David wrote...

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