Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Proud to be Canadian again!

After 9 long years of a punitive, anti-science, anti-arts, anti-healthcare, anti-immigration and just about anything else you could name we as Canadians rewarded the Liberals for offering a positive message during the election - one of hope and caring! It was wonderful to see the results of a non mud-slinging, positive campaign led by Justin Trudeau bear fruit. There was a lot of scepticism about his leadership but he proved himself by bringing the party back from the brink of oblivion.

Photo taken from the NYT website via Reuters.

Throughout the campaign the Conservatives ran ads that said Trudeau was "just not ready"...well it seems the population was indeed ready for Mr. Trudeau and to dump Mr. Harper - the robot that almost seems human.  It is my sincere hope that we can take our place in the world stage again as peacemakers, environmentalists and all around polite and caring individuals.

Congratulations Mr. Trudeau - I'm sure your dad would be proud.

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